
  1. Certainty
  2. Variety
  3. Significant
  4. Connection
  5. Contribution
  6. Growth
  1. Progress
  2. Energy
  3. Thought
  4. Attraction
  5. Action
  6. Faith
  7. Seasons
  8. Influence
  9. Love
  1. Reasoning
  2. Memory
  3. Perception
  4. Will / Desire
  5. Intuition
  6. Imagination
  1. Sight
  2. Sound
  3. Feel
  4. Smell
  5. Taste
  1. What I Think
  2. Determines How I Feel
  3. What I Feel – I Will Do
  4. What I Do – I Become


  1. Impression
  2. Questions
  3. Clues / Alignment
  4. Empathize
  5. Relevance
  6. Offer a Solution
  1. Direction
  2. Reason
  3. Frame of Reference
  4. Convincer
  1. Dr. Joe Dispenza
  2. Esther (Abraham) Hicks
  3. Bob Proctor
  4. Alan Watts
  5. Gregg Braden
  6. Jim Rohn
  7. Dr. Bruce Lipton
  8. John Maxwell
  9. Anthony Robbins
  10. Mel Robbins
  11. Joel Osteen
  12. Neville Goddard
  13. Raymond Holliwell
  14. Neal Donald Walsch
  15. Wayne Dyer
  16. Les Brown
  1. They Lie and are deceitful (Dishonest)
  2. Never Apologize, like seeing you suffer
  3. Other people warn you about them, bad dreams & vibes
  4. They are not who they say they are
  5. They are controlling and criticize you
  6. They gastlight & manipulate
  7. They are surrounded by other people who are like them
  1. The secret to your success
  2. Your personal problems
  3. Your personal dreams
  4. How much you earn or are worth
  5. Your personal family problems
  1. They engage in self-analysis and improvement
  2. They are super curious people
  3. They listen without contemplating what to say
  4. They don’t hesitate to disagree with the majority
  5. They want to be intellectually stimulated and challenged
  6. They are intrigued by the more profound meaning of things
  7. They are honest about their mistakes
  8. They set and pursue goals always 
  9. They make good use of their time
  10. They value their individuality 
  1. Ask Questions
  2. Expose yourself to different world views
  3. Read across genres
  4. Diversify your day
  5. Socialize with smart people
  6. Take time to think and reflect
  7. Take frequent intermittent breaks (vacations)
  8. Prioritize Healthy Eating
  9. Frequent Exercise
  10. Sleep well & enough

“Action creates more action – inaction creates more inaction”

  1. Just get moving
  2. Learn on the go
  3. Pomodoro Technique (wrk 25m then take 5m off)
  4. Plan out your Energy
  5. Have a cutoff time
  6. Prepare the night before

“Ultimate Reality Exists Beyond our Physical World, in the World of Ideas”

  1. Conquer Yourself
  2. Being Angry Solves Nothing
  3. Choose the People you Spend Time with Wisely
  4. Find Yourself your other Half
  5. Get Involved in Politics
  6. Learn to be a Follower first, and then a Master
  7. Be Content with Little
  8. Be in Charge of Your Own Happiness
  9. Work Hard to Accomplish Great Things

“Beliefs – Morality, Honesty & Social Relationships (people are basically good) and capable of changing, evolving and improving.”

  1. Learn to see beauty in everything
  2. Moral values start at home
  3. Never do anything half-heartedly
  4. Never give up!
  5. Everyone has wisdom to share
  6. Ignore gossips
  7. Think of the consequences (if you get angry you are defeated)
  8. Practice the art of silence
  9. Practice filial piety (be a credit to parents, do not disgrace them, support them)
  10. Embrace getting older


  1. Boundaries
  2. Reliability
  3. Accountability
  4. Vault (confidentiality)
  5. Integrity
  6. Non-Judgement
  7. Generosity